Join Eyck in Battle Battle Morale Neutral Random Loot Continue

Introduction / Methods

We'll start out with a discussion of WHAT this guide covers and HOW we can go about uncovering Thronebreaker's secrets.

This guide will be focused on tangibles; Gold, Wood, Recruits, Morale, and Card Unlocks. We might mention intangibles, but they are not the focus of this guide. What do I mean by intangibles? As an example, in Mahakam (map 3) you might or might not have a feast thrown in your honor at the end, but all that changes is the background screen and a few lines of dialogue... nothing else.
Thus I do not make note of it having happened or not. Additionally, if there is no choice in the matter, I will probably not record it. Eg. I will not list every single stump you can click on for gold/wood, but I will include morale changes just because they can affect other choices and I'll try to record every "true" battle which resets your morale for the same reason. I won't be reporting puzzle nor story battles unless they involve choices because (as a general rule) they do NOT reset your morale. And if nothing is listed after a choice then there are no known consequences... yet

I record a "+Evil" everytime the game says "You choose one evil over another..." which seems to mean that there will be consequences for the decision in the future. If there is no "later on" comment to go with the +Evil tag then the consequences are not known. Please leave a comment if you DO know what they are. I've not been consistent in recording each and every note and letter that is missable, but I have recorded a few spots with the +Letter tag, mainly on paths you'd otherwise avoid because of bad outcomes. TODO: go back and try to find all missable letters and notes

Oh and just a general bit of advice; -Morale when morale is already "Low" has no effect, thus you can save a bunch of morale reducing optional encounters till the very end of the map then do them all at once for only -1 or at most -2 Morale. Save a Wayshrine or two to fix the morale before going into the next chapter as well.

Likewise, since story battles are impacted by morale, but do not reset morale; you can get two or more battles' benefit from one +Morale if you plan it out right.

Next, Thronebreaker has a rather strict save policy; no manual saving other than to exit the game, and the one save slot per game it does have is overwritten immediately following any choice thus preventing you from exploring alternate options without replaying the whole game... or at least that was the designers' intention. We actually can manually make manual saves, but it isn't a straightforward process. First we need to know where the saves are stored:

In order to manually save then, we'd simply copy this folder to eg the desktop and to "load" we'd overwrite the contents of this folder to restore a previous save. Just be aware of WHEN the game writes to this folder; you don't want to restore a save, have the game overwrite the folder, and then try to load and wonder why your loaded game is not the save you wanted.

If you want to restore a save from a different chapter than you are currently in, I'd reccommend exiting the game first, otherwise things can get buggy

For Achievements read this:

PS: Bonebreaker difficulty generally grants less than half the gold cited here.

A Bitter Return

Gold Chest Locations:

"Settle down, Caldwell"

-25 Gold, +50 Wood
-1 Recruit, +25 Wood

"For Reginald to err wasn't unheard of"
"Doomed to end badly, that, I daresay"

Wayside Shrine

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Calm your hearts. You've nothing to fear"
"Speak, tell me all now... or else"

"Whip some sense into them" +Morale
"Press the men into service. Set the women free" +3 Recruits
"Leave them be" -Morale

-25 Wood, +50 Gold
-50 Gold, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

-Morale, +Gold Chest

End of Tutorial, from here we have three different paths to explore before hitting the Main Mission objective; Lord Clayton's Estate. The path this guide will follow is: NE, then West, then SW, but you may do them in w/e order you prefer. You might want to collect everything you can while avoiding the battles in order to first buy the camp upgrades that give gold and/or a recruit after each battle. If you pinch every gold penny, you can actually (just) afford both camp upgrades before doing any further battles

Speak to Priestess of Melitele

+150 Gold, -Morale
-25 Wood, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

Priestess of Melitele after Puzzle Battle

-250 Gold, +Card Fragment, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Order your force to attack the bandits" Battle, Morale = Neutral
"Withdraw and move on" Nothing (can be returned to)

"Order the treasure to be returned to the cloister" +Morale, +2x Field Medic Cards
"Keep the recovered loot" +1000 Gold, -Morale, +Evil (will prevent you from recruiting Eyck of Denesle later on)

-50 Gold, +Morale

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

End of NE path, begining of West path.

-2 Recruits, +200 Gold
Nothing (can be returned to)

-100 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Intervene and defend the nonhumans" Random Loot & +1 Recruit (talk to the dwarf again)
"Move on without entering Wetterton" +Evil, +83 Gold (might be a random amount)

"Have the instigators hanged" +350 Gold, -Morale, +Evil
"Order your men to whip the guilty parties" +Morale, +Evil

End of West path, begining of SW path.

-100 Wood, +375 Gold
+200 Wood, -250 Gold
Nothing (can be returned to)

-50 Gold, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

-50 Gold, +Morale

"Join in the wedding celebrations" Continue
"Ride on"

"Order your soldiers to pursue" Continue
"Gather your retinue and travel on"

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Give the lovers leave to flee" +Morale
"Send the girl home" -Morale, +412 Gold (might be a random amount)
You get the card unlock either way

-Morale, +Card Fragment
-100 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

End of SW path.

"Give your answer to the ultimatum" +Evil
"Attack the emissary's escort" +Morale, +Letter, Continue

"Order Reynard to kill the envoy" +Evil (+Letter later on)
"Command your men to clap the envoy in irons" +Evil
The puzzle battle will trigger camp upgrades, but you get nothing else

Heading SW before continuing East

-150 Gold, +8 Recruits
Nothing (can be returned to)

Wayside Shrine

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Send scouts after them. They're to be watched closely"
"They're to be left alone"
Oddly, the results seem to be exactly the same between the two; only flavor text changes

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

Two random loot piles spawn back where the emissary was after this battle

-2 Recruits, +Morale, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to... oddly enough)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Promise to free the prisoners" Continue, +Encounter Unlock
"Order your men to hang the prisoners" +Morale, +Evil

"Order your men to free the prisoners" -Morale, +Evil
"Order the prisoners executed" +Morale, +Evil

-4 Recruits, +250 Wood, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Spare the elf's life" Continue
"Let the humans mete out their justice"

"Let the elf join your company" +1 Recruit, +Evil, (+Letter, -6 Recruits later on)
"Leave the elf behind in the village"

-100 Gold, +Morale
+4 Recruits, -Morale

"Order your men to attack" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, +1 Recruit (talk to the man)
"Wait for the Nilfgaardian force to pass"

Wayside Shrine

-50 Gold
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Command your force to help the troll" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, +Card Unlock (Elf and Onion Soup) Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)
"Stay out of it"
You can't lose cards which you haven't picked up yet just FYI

"Fine. We shall lend Dravograd our support" -1000 Gold, ++Morale
"Alas, Dravograd will have to manage on its own" -Morale
You get the card unlock either way

-2 Recruits, +Morale
-2 Recruits, +200 Gold

+250 Gold

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Punish the raiders" +Evil (two extra battles later on, also prevents you from recruiting Arnjolf in Angren)
"Turn the Skelligers against Nilfgard" +Evil

"Make a speech" +Morale
"Offer more solders' pay" -250 Gold, +10 Recruits
"Press townsmen into service" +5 Recruits, -Morale

-75 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

-50 Gold, +Gold Chest
-Morale, +Gold Chest
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Let Cartwright keep the orchard" +15 Recruits
"Grant Mansfield the orchard" +750 Gold
"Order the orchard to be divided"

Wayside Shrine

"How goes your hunt?" Continue
"Godspeed, Eyck of Denesle"

"I shall help you if you then jon us" Continue
"Godspeed, sir knight"

"I insist, Sir Eyck" Card Unlock (Eyck of Denesle)
"Fair enough. I cannot force you"

"Order your men to begin the hunt for the manticore" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Card Unlock (Manticore Trophy)
"Do not enter the cave" (can be returned to)

* Battle *
(only if NOT allied with Lippy Gudmund)
Morale = Neutral

-Report- (only if allied with Lippy Gudmund, otherwise a puzzle battle)
-2 Recruits, +Morale
-100 Gold, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)
You get the Card Unlock either way

Before leaving this map, you may want to backup a save and then:
- Build a Watchtower
- Pay for scouts until there is nothing more to reveal
- Note the location of any loot you missed
- Restore the save and go get that loot for free

"Very well. Say your piece"
"I didn't need to, Villem"

"Caldwell, do not do this!"
"Go plough yourself Caldwell"

"In that case, please free me"
"I'd rather die"

"I do not share your certainty"
"I am glad Aedirn still defends the North"

Here is my deck (without any crafting) at the end of the map:

Ashes of Aedirn

Gold Chest Locations:

What you lose:
1x Count Caldwell
2x War Wagon
5x Lyrian Arbalest
3x Regiment Drummer
2x Rivian Pikeman
2x Wagenburg
2x Field Medic

When fighting elves on this map; neutral Morale is ideal. This is because at high morale all of your units are considered "boosted" and thus Elven Archers will do 6 damage instead of 2. While at low morale all of your units are considered "damaged" and are thus able to be destroyed by Elven Swordmasters who destroy one damaged unit every turn. There is usually only one Swordmaster in any given battle's deck tho.

"There's a certain wisdom to those words..."
"Not particularly helpful, still..."

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Approach the Wayfarer's Beech" +Letter, Continue
"Bypass the Wayfarer's Beech"
"Send a scount to reconnoiter" -1 Recruit

"Enforce the law and order the soldier's hand chopped off" -Morale, +193 Gold (random amount)
"Pardon the soldier" +Morale

-500 Gold, +400 Wood
-200 Wood, +750 Gold
Nothing (can be returned to)


"Calm down, both of you"
"Don't get so upset, Reynard"
"Show some respect, Gascon"

"Attack the Nilfgaardian caravan" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Let the caravan pass"

"Let the freed slaves join you" +Evil (Later on: -492 Gold, -219 Wood, random amounts, +Card Unlock (Bone Talisman))
"Leave the freed slaves to their fate"
You might want to try bottoming out one or more resources before this event to minimize resource loss eg if you have 0 Wood then you can't lose any

"Attack the city" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Bypass Gatberg" (can be returned to)

"Take the gold" +381 Gold (might be a random amount)
"Leave the gold in Gatberg" +Evil (+Letter later on)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

+65 Gold, -Morale, +Letter
Nothing (can be returned to)

-100 Gold, -Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"I fear not"
"The Nilfgaardians might have taken prisoners"


"Let the peasants stay" -Morale (+Card Unlock (Bone Talisman) later on)
"Force the peasants to go thier own way" +Morale
Only happens if you took the slaves with you

"Take the dog" Achievement, +Card Unlock (Knickers)
"Leave the dog"

"Free the captives" Battle, Morale = Neutral, +381 Gold, +48 Wood, -8 Recruits (random amounts)
"Keep your distance from the tree" -Morale

Headed NE first

-2 Recruits, -100 Gold, +Morale, +Card Fragment
-2 Recruits, -100 Gold, +100 Wood, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Let Rayla look around the village" Continue
"March on" (can be returned to)

"Have the nonhumans escorted to the nearest city" -6 Recruits, -Morale, +Evil
"Let Rayla punish them as she sees fit" -Morale, +Evil (One of three choices required to keep Rayla)
Either option will open the gate allowing you to collect two extra piles of Random Loot

"Save the Nilfgaardians" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Leave the Nilfgaardians to their fate" Continue

"Don't intervene" Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)
"Join Eyck in battle" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
Only happens if you recruited Eyck

"Let the soldiers join your army" -Morale, +Card Unlocks (Gheso Footman, Gheso Arbalest)
"Refuse to let the soldiers join" +Morale


Continuing West now

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-50 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)
Save the resources and just go South

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-2 Recruits, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

+50 Wood, -Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

-1 Gold, +Gold Chest
Nothing (can be returned to)


"Pay for the information" -50 Gold, +Encounter Unlock
"Force the information out of them" +Encounter Unlock
"Ignore the hawkers"

-2 Recruits, +Gold Chest
+Gold Chest (only if Eyck is with you)
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Give the order to attack" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Avoid conflict"

"Destroy the Hawkers' weapons" +Morale
"Equip your troops with the weapons" -Morale, +Card Unlock (Meve: Flail)
The flail is a fantastic weapon which I was using right up until the end of the game

Heading NW

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-50 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)
Save the resources and just go North

"Attack the elves' hideout" --Morale Random Loot, +Card Unlock (Ointment) Continue
"Ignore the cave"

"Let Rayla kill the wounded elves" +Evil (One of three choices required to keep Rayla)
"Refuse to let Rayla kill the wounded elves" +Evil

Back to the main, Northern, path

-8 Recruits, +1000 Gold
+1000 Gold (only if Eyck is with you)
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Deal. We'll leave the cemetery"
"No Eldain. Not a chance" Gain [Tactical Advantage] for the battle (Order: Summon up to 2 units of your choice from your deck)

"I will grant you a burial, Eldain" +Evil
"You do not deserve my mercy" +Evil (One of three choices required to keep Rayla)
You get the card unlock either way

NW first


"Attack the fort" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Avoid the bandits' hideout" (can be returned to)

"I know how I look"
"Nor do you look like a sorceress"

"I consent to your conditions" +Card Unlock (Isbel: Healer)
"I've changed my mind"

"Please don't lecture me"
"You underestimate me, grossly"

"Attack the garrison" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Pull back" (can be returned to)

"Keep the food for your army" +250 Wood, +Morale
"Return all the food to the village" -Morale
"Return half the supplies, keep the rest" +125 Wood

"Yes, I know your name"
"Nope, can't say I have"

"I wanted to see the man who's butchering Aedirn"
"Curiosity, my only reason"
"To tell you I shall never surender"
There doesn't seem to be any morale change after the battle.
You get the card unlock regardless

+75 Gold
+150 Gold, +Morale

"Attack General Vrygheff's detachment" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Avoid battle" (can be returned to)

"Ransom the general" -Morale, +Evil, +273 Gold (might be a random amount)
"Execute the general" +Morale, +Evil

-50 Gold, +Morale
+8 Recruits (only if Isbel is with you)

"Attack the traitor" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Order a retreat" (can be returned to)

"Show mercy" -Morale, +Encounter Unlock
"Hang Falbeson" +Morale

"Accept Falbeson'd offer" Random Loot, +Letter, +Card Unlock (Meve: Ornamental Sword)
"Reject Falbeson'd offer"

-1 Recruit, -Morale, +Card Fragment
+Card Fragment (only if Isbel is with you)
Nothing (can be returned to)

+6 Recruits, -Morale

"Don't feed me that rubbish"
"Like someone with a deathwish, you mean"

"For a bastard you risk an entire army. This is folly indeed"
"I understand. Children are life's greatest treasure"

"You are a coward"
"Do as you see fit"
You get the card unlock either way

Here is my deck (without any crafting) at the end of the map:
Should only be missing the Bone Talisman
When used does one of three things; steal an enemy unit, sacrifice your lowest unit then buff the remaining units by its power, or randomly move and buff your units

Summit Meeting

Gold Chest Locations:

Check the end of this section for details on how your overall actions in Mahakam affect what you recieve at the end of the chapter

"I've always room for those of your ilk in my ranks" +Evil
"You must return to Demavend. Its time" Lose Card (Black Rayla)
If you want rid of Rayla, now is the time to do it.
Keeping her prevents you from getting ~1500 Gold later on

"Splendid idea. Arrange it" -200 Gold, +Morale
"A drunken army I do not want"

"What do you mean?"
"Lets change the subject"

"I'm not accustomed to interruptions"
"Listen to my plea, I beg you"

"No, Reynard. We have lost"
"Yes. We must, we will"

-2 Recruits, +150 Gold, +100 Wood, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-50 Gold, +Gold Cheat
-Morale, +Gold Chest
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Search for the missing dwarves" +Letter, Continue (+1483 Gold, might be a random amount, only if Rayla is NOT with you)
"Refuse to help" (can be returned to, and is the only way to keep both Rayla and Isbel)

"Order Rayla to leave your army" Lose Card (Black Rayla)
"Let Rayla remain part of your force" Lose Card (Isbel: Healer)
--Morale (Only if Rayla is with you)


"Accept Eudora's offer" +Card Unlock (Valmir's Horn)
"Refuse Eudora's offer"
Bug: If you move onto a guard from above or below, you can actually move the guard out of his row and thus make the puzzle trivial to solve

-1000 Gold, +800 Wood
+1500 Gold, -400 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Take the gold" +100 Gold
"Refuse to accept payment"

-4 Recruits, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Help fight the dragon" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Continue, +1 Recruit (talk to the dwarf)
"Continue your journey" Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)

"That does alter the equation..."
"Oh no. Fighting a dragon once was enough"


"Enter the dragon's lair" Continue
"Fall back" (can be returned to)

"Kill the dragon" +10000 Gold, +Evil, +Card Unlock (Keltullis Trophy)
"Talk to the Keltullis" Continue

"Kill the dragon" Continue
"Let Keltullis heal and leave Mahakam" +10000 Gold, +Evil, Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)

"Change your mind and spare the dragon" +10000 Gold, +Evil, Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)
"Kill the wounded dragon" +10000 Gold, +Evil, +Card Unlock (Keltullis Trophy)

"Intervene on behalf of the gnome" Continue
"Don't intercede"

"The punishment's cruel and unusual, not commensurate to the crime" Continue
"May I buy his freedom?" -500 Gold, +Card Unlock (Barnabus Beckenbauer)
"Can you recite the exact stricture he broke?" +Card Unlock (Barnabus Beckenbauer)
"Do what you must, what your laws require"

"Hold on! Perhaps I can buy his freedom?!" -500 Gold, +Card Unlock (Barnabus Beckenbauer)
"Oh well... At least I tried"

"You've actually put this to the test? Tried it yourself?"
"I wished to ask you about something else"

Talk to the dwarves


* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-Morale, +Gold Chest

"Order your forces to attack the Nilfgaardian convoy" ++Morale, Random Loot, +Evil, +Card Unlock (Meve: Sihil) (Later on: -2901 Gold, -1524 Wood, -65 Recruits, random amounts)
"Ignore the arms caravan" +Evil

-2 Recruits, -75 Wood, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-250 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

-100 Gold, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)


-20 Recruits, +2500 Gold, +800 Wood, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

+350 Gold, +150 Wood, -Morale
-50 Wood, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Enter the cave" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Continue
"Retreat" (can be returned to)

"We will exchange the tokens for gold" +478 Gold (might be a random amount)
"Fine. We'll throw a feast" +Morale, +Card Upgrade (Gabor Zigrin +)

-2500 Gold (+5000 Gold later on)
-500 Gold (+5000 Gold later on)
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Check to see what is happening in the mine" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Don't intervene" (can be returned to)

"Let the Rivs leave" +Morale, +Evil (+2500 Gold -or- +Morale later on)
"Hand the Rivs over to the dwarves" -Morale, +Evil

Unavoidable Story Event


+450 Gold, -3 Recruits, -Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

-3 Recruits, +250 Gold, +Card Fragment
+250 Gold, +Card Fragment (only if Eyck is with you)
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Help Murko recover his heirloom" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Turn the dwarf down" (can be returned to)

"Let Murko Vidmar take the treasure and go" +Evil (+5000 Gold later on)
"Return the treasure to the elder-in-chief" +Evil
"Keep the treasure" -Morale, +5000 Gold, +Evil, Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)

"Attack the barbegazis" ++Morale
"Continue your journey" -1500 Gold, -250 Wood, -8 Recruits, -Morale

Talk to the dwarves

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Intervene - defend the foreman" +Evil, (Random Loot if Isbel is NOT with you)
"Don't meddle" +Evil

Unavoidable Story Event
You might want to try bottoming out one or more resources before this event to minimize resource loss eg if you have 0 Wood then you can't lose any

"Go on..."
"Unawares?! What nonsense!"

"Attack the Nilfgaardians" ++Morale, Random Loot, -500 Gold, +2x Letters, +Evil
"Forego vengeance" +Evil

"Give the true measurements" +Evil
"Falsify the results" +Evil, Lose Card (Eyck of Denesle)

"You test my patience, Gascon"
"I do admit... I was reminded of an old goat in more ways than one"

"I'll give it due consideration"
"That's some nerve"

"You cannot know how sorry I am" +Evil
"Look to the Zigrins" +Evil, Lose Card (Gabor Zigrin)

"I regret the events in the Moulderwood, the fate of the elves there"
"Eldain was a criminal"

"I will not be a tool - not yours, not anyone's"
"You must have conceived a plan"

"Out of the question" Lose Card (Gabor Zigrin)
"So be it. I agree"

"So it seems to you, but I've allies, many"
"Better to stand alone than with Nilfgaard"

Here are the rewards for each tier of reputation w/ Brouver Hoog and Mahakam:
Low reputation = 0 Recruits, 2 copies of each card
Medium reputation = 48 Recruits (might be a random amount) 4 copies of each card (+Letter later on)
High reputation = 104 Recruits (might be a random amount) 5 copies of each card (+Letter later on)

It should also be noted that these cards cannot be crafted; you are stuck with the number you get.
Additionally, I'm told you can only get high reputation by turning in the Zigrins and thus losing Gabor. But, if you want to maintain medium reputation the following ought to do it:

Bad Points:
- Refuse to help look for the 40 missing dwarven youngsters to keep both Rayla and Isbel
- Attack the Nilfgaardian arms caravan for the Card Unlock
- Give the true peak measurements to keep Eyck
- Don't turn in the Zigrins to keep GaborGood Points:
- Accept Eudora's offer
- Kill the dragon
- Solve the "curse" of Black Brook Vale (by recruiting Barnabus)
- Hand the Rivians in the mine over to the dwarves
- Return the Vidmar treasure to the elder-in-chief
- Intervene and defend the foreman at the memorial
- Forego vengeance on the Nilfgaardians who ordered the avalanche

Here is my deck (without any crafting) at the end of the map:
Again, it should only be missing the Bone Talisman

Behind Enemy Lines

Gold Chest Locations:

"Then leave my ranks" (Bug: Eyck will leave the mess tent but not be removed from the deck)
"You're right. Our agreement I must respect"

"Collective responsibility is not something I can sanction"
"A ready dispute. We've other matters to discuss"

"Order your force to attack Red Lobster" Random Loot, Continue
"Order your force to stand down" (can be returned to)

"Impossible... I don't believe it!"
"Yes. I might've expected this"

"Reynard, what's he talking about?"
"Do not pull the wool over my eyes"

"I shall look past these betrayals - this once"
"Alas, Reynard, our paths thus part" Lose Card (Reynard Odo)
"I no longer wish to see you Gascon" Lose Card (Gascon)
"Out of my sight! Both!" Lose Card (Reynard Odo) & Lose Card (Gascon)
They will both come back eventually; removing them now only deprives you of their cards in the coming battles

Bug: If you swap to your camp before Isbel is finished asking to speak with you, you will never get her dialogue in the mess tent
"Please continue" Continue
"I've heard enough. Begone" Lose Card (Isbel: Healer)

"You're welcome to stay" +Card Upgrade: (Isbel: Destroyer)
"I won't allow it" Lose Card (Isbel: Healer)

+100 Gold, +500 Wood, -8 Recruits
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-50 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)
Save yourself the resources and just go North

+250 Gold, +Card Fragment

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-10 Recruits, +750 Gold, -Morale
-100 Wood, +750 Gold (Only if Barnabus is with you)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Pay Isbel to prepare the spell" -250 Gold, +Morale
"Refuse to pay Isbel for healing" Continue
Only if Isbel is with you

"Abandon the ailing soldier" -1 Recruit, -Morale
"Take the soldier with you" +Morale, +Evil (-38 Recruits later on, might be a random amount)

-250 Gold, +1000 Wood
-4 Recruits, +500 Gold
Nothing (can be returned to)

"You may join us if you wish" +Evil (+500 to +1000 Gold, +250 to +500 Wood later on)
"Safe travel to you and your friends" (free +Morale later on)

Heading East first

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

+500 Gold, -Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Stop the blood ritual" +Encounter Unlock, +Evil (Later on: -5 Recruits, -Morale if Isbel is NOT with you then later still: +1000 Gold, +500 Wood if with druids)
"Stand aside, don't interfere with the rite" +Evil (Later on: +500 Gold, +250 Wood if with druids)
"Make a sacrifice to the marsh gods" +Morale, +Evil (Later on: -Morale, -1000 Wood if with druids)

"Knock at the gate" Continue
"Withdraw" (can be returned to)

"Accept the invitation and take the oath" +Morale, Continue
"March your force away from the fort"

"Free the peasants" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, +Letter, +Card Unlock (Dimeritium Shackles) +1 Recruit (talk)
"Respect the oath and don't interfere" (if present, Eyck will start a battle anyway)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Attack the camp" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"March on" (can be returned to)

"Leave the lumber to be driven west to the ports" +Morale
"Pay for the wood, then take it" +Morale, -400 Gold, -250 Gold (bug)
"Requisition the wood" -Morale, +0 Wood (bug?)


+1 Recruit, -Morale

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

Headed South now

Unavoidable Story Event (if you stopped the blood ritual and do NOT have Isbel with you)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

If you turned the Skelligers against Nilfgard in 'A Bitter Return' +Card Unlock (Arnjolf the Patricide) +Card Unlock (Dagur Two Blades) +Card Unlock (Disgraced Warriors) +Card Unlock (Disgraced Brawler)

"Enter the tomb" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, +Card Unlock (Meve: Angreni Blade)
"Leave the ruins behind" (can be returned to)

+400 Gold, -250 Wood, +Gold Chest
Nothing (can be returned to)
+800 Gold, -200 Wood, +Gold Chest (only if Gabor is with you)


-1500 Gold, +2000 Wood
+2000 Gold, -750 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)

-250 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)
-Morale, +Card Fragment

+500 Gold, -7 Recruits, -Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)
+500 Gold (only if Eyck is with you)

To the NW


"Gladly! The night is young" +Morale, Continue
"Sadly, we must ride on"

"Don't play me for a fool"
"The ballista. Of course"
This will be different depending on who is (and is not) with you

"Attack the castle" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Continue
"Postpone the attack" (can be returned to)

"I shall be long gone"
"I'll face them too - and win"

Unavoidable Story Event

-50 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-100 Wood, +Morale
-200 Gold, +Morale


"Demote the deserters and withhold their pay" +Evil (Later on: -1000 Gold, -500 Wood, -20 Recruits)
"Hang every third deserter" -6 Recruits, -Morale, Lose Card (Isbel)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-250 Wood, +8 Recruits, -Morale
+150 Wood, +250 Gold, -Morale

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

Nothing (can be returned to)
+100 Gold, +50 Wood, -Morale, +Card Fragment

"Let the Blackclads depart" +Evil
"Attack the foe" ++Morale, -10 Recruits, Random Loot, +Evil

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

* Battle *

You might want to try bottoming out one or more resources at this point to minimize resource loss if you didn't hang the deserters eg if you have 0 Wood then you can't lose any

"Follow the will-o'-the-wisp" +Letter, +5399 Gold, +1408 Wood, -12 Recruits (random amounts) -Morale
"Ignore the phenomenon"

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral


"Abandon the injured and march immediately"
"Give the medics time to dress the soldiers' wounds"
You get random amounts of Gold and Wood either way... There seems to be oddly little consequence to this choice...

"Villem's a traitor - and I'll treat him as such"
"You couldn't be more right..."

Here is my deck (without any crafting) at the end of the map:
Again, it should only be missing the Bone Talisman

Return of the Queen

Gold Chest Locations:

"I couldn't agree more"
"Some monsters live in harmony with humans"

-250 Gold, +Morale

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral


-250 Gold, +Morale

-50 Wood (Bug: minus? Usually when you remove a tree you recieve wood)
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

+500 Gold, -Morale
+8 Recruits, -Morale

"Order the assault on Gradobor" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Abort the siege" (can be returned to)

"Fulfill the merchants' request and repeal the reforms" +Evil, Lose Card (Gabor Zigrin)
"Keep the Nilfgaardian reforms in place" +Evil, +Card Upgrade (Gabor Zigrin +)

+250 Gold - 4 Recruits, +125 Wood
+125 Wood, +250 Gold (only if Eyck is with you)
Nothing (can be returned to)

-Report- (only if you invested gold in Mahakam)
+5000 Gold

-250 Gold, +500 Wood
-1000 Gold, +500 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)


* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Follow Gascon" Continue
"Continue on"

"Surprised that I don't trust you, truly?" Continue
"I was merely curious what you would do" Continue
"I followed you out of concern" Continue

"But I can rebuild the tomb" -1000 Gold, +Card Upgrade (Gascon +)
"True alas. We should rejoin the others"

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-100 Gold, +Card Fragment
-Morale, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Do not play the victim" Continue
"We're not here to discuss us, but the war" Continue

"I accept your terms" +Evil, +Card Unlock (Prince Villem) (avoids at least one battle later on)
"Arrest Villem" +Letter, +Evil
"These terms - unacceptable" +Evil (Later on will prevent the loss of either Reynard or Gascon)

"Your're right, Villem. I'm sorry"
"If they're any good I shant have reason to"

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Attack the printers' workshop" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Move on" (can be returned to)

"Begin producing your own propaganda" +2000 Gold, +40 Recruits (+Letters, ++Morale, +300 Recruits later on)
"Destroy the Nilfgaardian printers' workshop" +Morale

+250 Gold, +125 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Banish the Caldwell family" +Morale, Random Loot, +Letter, +Card Unlock (Shrike)
"Give Dragomir leave to stay in Rivia" -Morale, +1178 Gold (talk, might be a random amount)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-250 Gold, +Morale


* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

"Attempt to liberate the quarry" Battle, Morale = Neutral, +Letter, Random Loot, Continue, +Card Unlock (Muzzle)
"Refrain from attacking the Nilfgaardian slavers" (can be returned to)

"Conscript the peasants" -1600 Gold, +80 Recruits, +Evil
"Refuse the peasants' plea to serve"

"Order the attack" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Random Loot, Continue
"Go around Willowhain" (can be returned to)

"Let the Nilfgaardian settlers stay" -Morale, +Evil, +243 Gold, +78 Wood (talk, might be random amounts)
"Drive the Nilfgaardians off from Willowhain" +Morale, +Evil, Lose Card (Isbel)

"Ask House Obert for help" +2688 Gold, +300 Wood, +4 Recruits, +Card Unlock (Reinforced Ballista) (only if Villem is with you, might be random amounts)
"Move on" (can be returned to)

"Leave the castle"
"Attack the Oberts" Battle, Morale = Neutral, +2668 Gold, +300 Wood, +Card Unlock (Reinforced Ballista) (might be random amounts)

"Order an assault on Kaveldun" Random Loot, Continue
"Pull your forces back" (can be returned to)

"Release the blacksmith" -Morale, +Card Unlock (Meve: Spear)
"Have Todor lashed" +Morale
"Kill the collaborating blacksmith" Lose Card (Isbel)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral


+2500 Gold, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

* Battle *
Morale = Neutral

-250 Gold, +Morale

"Take the city without a fight" Continue
"Pursue the fleeing Nilfgaardians" Battle, Morale = Neutral, Continue

"The dwarves are our allies" Continue
"Flog this man!" Continue
"This is war. I do what I must to win" Continue

"Invest in the city's failing workshops" -2500 Gold, +Morale
"Entrust the city's future to Barnabus" Lose Card (Barnabus Beckenbaur)
"Ignore Broadhead's hardships" -Morale

-Report- (only if you let the Rivians leave in Mahakam)
+2500 Gold

-Report- (only if you turned the Rivians over to the dwarves in Mahakam)
-250 Gold


Unavoidable Story Event (only if you printed propaganda)

-250 Gold, +Card Fragment
-Morale, +Card Fragment
Nothing (can be returned to)

"Lay siege, cut off the Castle of Rivia" Continue
"Withdrawl" (can be returned to)

"Get to the point. What do you want?" Continue
"Go plough yourself" Continue
"I shall not be insulted nor intimidated" Continue

"Madness. Impossible" Continue
"What of the cost?" Continue

"Reynard will lead the assault on the boat landing" +Evil, Continue, Lose Card (Reynard Odo)
"Gascon is the man for the task" +Evil, Continue, Lose Card (Gascon)
If Villem is NOT with you, then you don't lose anyone

You will get different dialogue options depending on who is (and is not) with you
"You're right, Reynard. I thank you"
"Such a gift I cannot accept"

"You're right, Reynard. Thank you."
"Villem's death was my fault."

"You're right...I thank you."
"Death is never beautiful."

Here is my deck (without any crafting) at the end of the map:

Twilight of the Golden Sun

"No. Nothing"
"I wish to be more to you than your queen"
Only if Reynard is with you

-10 Soldiers, +600 Wood
-1000 Gold, +600 Wood
Nothing (can be returned to)

-250 Wood, -1000 Gold, +Morale
Nothing (can be returned to)

-250 Gold, +Morale

"You might've surrendered" Continue
"Excuses - is that what you offer?" Continue
"I understand... but cannot forgive" Continue

"Very well... You may go" +Evil
"I shall hand you over to Demavend" +Evil
For me, this choice changed the narrator's description of how Meve later treated non-humans; well if you let them go, poorly if handed over

Now if, like me, you've some how managed to miss getting the "Burn After Reading" achievement by this point, here is a quick and dirty way to get it. Exit out to the main menu, tab out of the game, find your save folder, and open this file in a text editor:

For every "CollectibleLetterEntry" line that has an <m_Status>0</m_Status> just edit it to have a value of 1 like so:

<e0 Type="CollectibleLetterEntry"> <Id>nr_letter_02</Id> <m_Status>1</m_Status> </e0>

Save the savefile, load it up, read all the new letters and notes you missed, and the achievement should pop up. Oh, and always make a backup of your saves before editing them just in case you mess something up


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