Where Can I Buy the Board Game Encore Near Me


Fill in the gaps with the words in the box 1.There is a ... department in this shop where y'all can purchase perfume. 2.You tin come to

Fill in the gaps with the words in the box
1.There is a ... department in this store where you can buy perfume.
2.You lot can come to the ... and choose your purchase.
3.In our greenrocers you lot can buy ... vegetables
4.You pay money to the ... .
5. You can ... food and put it into the ... .
6.She does the ... in their family.
7.I enjoy going shopping for nes ... .
eight.They spend quite a lot of money on ... .
9.I dont feel ... in these shoes.
10.I ever try to be ... .

c. things for sale
d. basket.
e. clothes
f. counter
k. in manner
h. ready-weigned and packed
i. select
j. cashier
g. nutrient
l. comfortable
m. quality

1 ответ:

0 0

1)b 2f 3)h 4)j 5)i,d 6)a 7)c 8)eastward 9)50 10)thou

Читайте также

(3) have










(4) goes


don't starting time

don't catch



(5) 2. - Do your friends play football game?

-Yes, they exercise.

3. - Do your parents get upward early on in the morning?

- Yep, they do.

4. - Exercise you scout Tv in the evenings?

-Yes, I do.

five. -Does your friend speak french?

-No, she doesn't.

6. - Does your dad play a musical instrument?

- No, he doesn't.

(6) two.What do you exercise on Saturdays?

I hang out with my friends on Saturdays.

What do you take for dinner on Sundays?

Our Sunday dinners are always dissimilar.

How often do y'all meet your friends?

I run into my friends very oftentimes.

Our football team will play with Russian students.
The match is a role of the social programme.
Nosotros propose you come up and support the footballers.
After the match we invite you lot to our dandy school party.
We are glad to see you at the stadium!

-Лиз. Какие были твои каникулы/выходные
-Они были фантастические! Могу ли я тебе рассказать все о них?
-Да. Не делай меня слишком ревнивым.
-Сначала мы посетили Испанию.Там было красиво. Я сделала много фотографий и мне понравилась испанская кухня. После мы поплыли на лодке в Италию но у меня морская болезнь. Так же мой папа потерял свой кошелек.
-О, какой ужас! Я надеюсь это не испортило тебе каникулы
- Нет, не особо. Италия Фантастическая. Люди там очень дружелюбные. Тебе надо съездить в Риме на несколько дней.
-Да, я бы хотел. Может быть в следующем году.
-Тогда давай поедим вместе
 (убил twenty минут... хоть по английскому 5.) (пытался перевести понятным языком)

"He does not seem to me a free man, if he is not such that it does non practise anything." Cicero

Topic: Gadgets - Quondam Term for Modern Life

Тема: Гаджеты - Старый термин для современной жизни

People in dissimilar parts of the world have always been looking for the new things that could make their life easier, more interesting and exciting. This appetite gives an eternal food to the fire of progress. The term "gadget" has go an iconic symbol of the final decades and information technology stands for a lot of the latest inventions that feed our hunger for the new things. But practice you know that the discussion "gadget" has a rather long history? Moreover, in that location are different versions of the roots of the term — it could accept some French roots or it could exist derived from a proper noun. Nevertheless the give-and-take "gadget" was first mentioned in a dictionary in 1916 as a local provincialism describing «technical tools or car fittings of different kinds". Nowadays we employ the discussion as a general name for smart devices, oftentimes small and meaty in size.

Why practise gadgets go the symbol of our modern life? Why do we all need all those smart devices that we did not even hear about before? Smartphones and tablets, smart watches and e-books, digital cameras and even smart canteen openers and vacuum-cleaning robots — the listing of gadgets is actually endless and it continues to be updated. The primal consequence of their popularity is the fact that they brand our life drastically unlike — they help to cope with all daily routines almost without any difficulties. We practice not need to find an former string telephone to hear from our relatives and friends. We do not need to overcome a long complicated challenge to become photos of memorable moments of our life. And we can enjoy much more gratis time because dissimilar gadgets assistance usa to get rid of deadening household chores.


Amongst all various gadgets the about astonishing 1 that influences our way of life greatly is a smartphone. This compact device is non simply a wonderful accessible way of communication; it is likewise an organizer, a game device, a media center, a camera, a wellness monitor, and what not. Beingness able to get all the options just on the go means to accept a new level of freedom — without limits and restrictions. But this freedom is as well a keen responsibility, considering our life is not merely entertainments and fun.

Gadgets are besides considered one of the greatest threats of the modern society. People become addicted to their gadgets and spend more than and more fourth dimension doing selfies, browsing the Internet, or playing the latest games. Gadget addiction steals lots of our time and can make the states depressed and exhausted. Despite the boost in communication area because of gadgets people spend less time together and experience lonelier. Maybe we should sometimes have a twenty-four hour period off from gadgets — without whatever kinds of modernistic devices enjoying some quality time with our nearest and dearest or just watching the clouds passing by?


Source: https://otvet.ya.guru/questions/5191970-fill-in-the-gaps-with-the-words-in-the-box-1-there-is-a.html

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